There are still those of us who will not settle for anything less than the real thing. Jimmy Choo Mahala handbag knockoffs and fakes are popping up everywhere. One might think that celebrities are the only holdouts for the real deal because of the expensive price tag. While a fair number of Jimmy Choo Mahala replicas are being snapped up by bargain hunters wanting the celebrity handbag look for a cheap price, these sales are not at the lofty levels that you might think.
Authentic Jimmy Choo Mahala handbags have a price tag of over $2000.00 for the popular red or on electric blue Mahala Jimmy Choo handbag even at a discount. The fakes, replicas and knock offs that come in:
- White
- Black
- Chocolate Brown
- Silver pink
- Gold
The Jimmy Choo replicas come as cheap as $50 with faux crocodile leather and the fabulous metallic gold that so hot with white tailored slacks, gold trim belts and strappy Gold sandals such as the ones that we reported Marg Helgenberger was wearing on one of the morning shows earlier in the week.
Return to Celebrity Makeup, Hairstyle Videos and Fashion Tips to see more of the latest handbags and purses.